1. Subject matter of the conditions of participation and organizer
(1) These conditions of participation regulate the conditions for participation in the sweepstakes as well as any necessary rights transfers. The description and the procedure of the respective competition take place in the context of the respective competition action on the Instagram page of the RP Handels und Service GmbH

  • https://www.instagram.com/slootsports/
  • https://www.facebook.com/SLOOT.Sports

(2) Organizer of the sweepstakes is the RP Handels und Service Gmbh, Bahnhofstrasse 10, 9711 Paternion, Austria.
(3) With participation in the respective sweepstakes the terms and conditions are accepted.
(4) The sweepstakes is not affiliated with Instagram or Facebook. It is not sponsored, sponsored or organized by Instagram or Facebook.

2. Participation
(1) The competition is open to anyone aged 18 or over and resident in the EU. Excluded are employees of RP Handels und Service GmbH and affiliated companies as well as employees of such employees and their relatives. The participation with fake identities or with identities of third parties is not allowed.
(2) Eligible persons may enter the competition by meeting one of the following two conditions

1. Follow the Instagram page of SLOOT-Sports (click “Follow”) – https://www.instagram.com/slootsports/, leave a “Like” on the raffle entry and in any case leave these ratings until the winner has been selected.

2. Link the Facebook page of SLOOT-Sports (click “Like”) – https://www.facebook.com/SLOOT.Sports, leave a “Like” on the raffle entry and in any case leave these ratings until the winner has been selected.

(3) The participation starts on 23.09.2020 at 19:00 o’clock and is possible until 30.09.2020 at 18:59 o’clock.
(4) Participation is free and independent of the purchase of goods and services.

3. Profits and profit notification
(1) Among all eligible participants we raffle one of two luggage racks for mountain bikes of the type SLOOT-Sports SS-LT-0001 (https://sloot-sports.com/Luggage-rack-for-bike-and-mountain-bike-50Kg-to-29-).
(2) The luggage rack for mountain bikes is delivered free of charge within the European Union.
(3) The winner will be determined randomly on 01.10.2020. The winner will be notified via Facebook or Instagram comment function or in a separate posting and requested to send an e-mail to an e-mail address provided there, in which the personal data will be transmitted in full and in an orderly and truthful manner. This information is required for the transmission of the prize.
(4) If a winner does not respond within the specified deadline, the claim for winnings expires. In this case we are entitled to carry out a replacement draw.
(5) The prize is neither transferable nor can the prize be exchanged or paid in cash.
(6) If circumstances arise that we are not responsible for, the respective winner accepts a reasonable replacement profit. Such unenforceable circumstances are in particular those that lie with the sponsors of the profits.
(7) The winning will be sent to the winner by post at the address indicated. When transferring the prize to a carrier, the risk passes to the winner. The RP Handels und Service GmbH is not responsible for any damages occurring during delivery.

4. Liability and Indemnification
(1) If the participant uploads photos, the participant guarantees that he will not send any content, the provision, publication or use of which violates applicable law or the rights of third parties.
(2) The participant indemnifies us against claims of any kind whatsoever resulting from the illegality of photos used by the participant. The indemnity obligation also includes an obligation to fully indemnify the organizer against any legal defense costs (such as court and attorney’s fees).
(3) By participating in the competition, the participant releases Instagram and Facebook from any liability.

5. Exclusion
(1) A violation of these conditions of participation entitles us to exclude the respective participant from participation. This applies in particular if the participant makes false statements or if other content (for example, comments) violates applicable law or the rights of third parties. The same applies to comments that can be regarded as glorifying violence, offensive, harassing or degrading or otherwise offend against the social sense of propriety.
(2) If the excluded participant is an already drawn winner, the prize can be subsequently revoked.

6. Early termination and changes
We reserve the right to prematurely terminate or modify the sweepstakes at any time, even without observance of deadlines, in case of technical (e.g. computer virus, manipulation of or errors in software/hardware) or legal (e.g. prohibition by Instagram or Facebook) is not possible to guarantee a proper implementation of the sweepstakes.

7. Privacy policy
We are responsible for the collection, processing and use of personal data of participants, provided that we process them ourselves. We will use the personal details of the participant as well as his other personal data only in the context of the statutory provisions of data protection law. We will only store, process and use the information insofar as this is necessary for the performance of the competition or the consent of the participant. The data will be used exclusively for the sweepstakes and will be deleted afterwards.
The participant agrees that his contributions to the sweepstakes promotion as well as his name in connection with the sweepstakes action, the draw, handling or presentation of the entries by the organizer or by the organizer commissioned third party in online and offline media will be publicly disclosed to third parties.
The participant may at any time request information about the data stored about his person. Incidentally, our privacy policy applies accordingly, which is available at https://www.rp-tools.at/Privacy/

8. Concluding provisions
(1) If the conditions of participation contain ineffective regulations, the validity of the remaining conditions remains untouched.
(2) Austrian law applies. A legal remedy for checking the draw is excluded.